Sunday 30 December 2012


I was on LiveJournal for years, until I finally got bored with it a year or so ago. I mention it because every year about this time, I used to do a quiz on there about the year that had just gone. The first question was "What did you do in 20XX that you'd never done before?" I liked that question, so I'm reviving it here. 2012 has been a significant year for me in ways I never could have predicted on New Year's Eve, standing outside the Crown watching K trying to break up a fight between his friend's brother and a homeless guy (I'm hopeful that this NYE will be a lot more fun). I did the following things in 2012 that I had never done before:

- Got engaged
- Had a broken engagement
- Finally got my ears pierced, and liked it so much that I got them pierced again a few months later. Next step: tattoo
- Travelled outside of Europe (I <3 NY!)
- Went abroad on my own
- Tried online dating
- Wrote a screenplay (okay, I'm only about 1/3 of the way through it so far, but it still counts dammit)
- A couple of other things that I don't want to mention on a public blog. I'll just say that this time last year my number was 4, and now it isn't.

I also feel that this year I've grown closer to a lot of my friends. We've had fun together, and helped each other through the unpleasant stuff. I feel very lucky to be part of such an awesome group of people.

Here's to 2013. I do have some resolutions, but I'll wait until January to post about them. Not ready to start thinking about self-improvement just yet.